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Friday, December 31, 2010

Page 14 - June 26, 1838 - Thunder and Lightning

14 June the ttwenty sixth 1838

Tue 26 the sun rose clear with the exception
of a few flying clouds about eight or
nin .O. clock it began to cloud up and
had the appearance of rain at noon it
disappeard some thundring betwene two
and three .O. clock we had a very fine
rain and continued so ttill five .O.
clock then the sun shoen out dimly
till nearly sun dawn then it disappear
it raind through the night I plowed

Wed 27 the sun shoen out but cloudy in the west
and has the appearance of more rain the
sun shoen out dimley at three .O. clock
in the evening it began to sprinkle a
little the sun disappeard the wind bean
to blow quite hard from the south west it
raind agter night very hard I allso
plowed in the corn we finished 18 acres

Thu 28 cloudy and has the appearance of rain
it raind a fine shower at six .O. clock
morning it broke away the sun shoen out
in a few minuets and continued soe
through out the day quite warm wind
south in the it thundred in the south
I I Plowed in the corn field all day

Fri 29 it is cloudy this morning though the
sun shoen out dimly till three .O. clock
then it disappeard at four it raind
tremendisly hard was intermission the
space of thirty minuets it commenced to
rain again most terable hard lwith
heavy flashes of thundring and lightning
it quit at five .O. clock terable sight of
watter on the ground at this time it
broke away the sun shoen out till it
went down to night it raind quite had
I plowed corn till the rain commenced

Sat 30 the sun shoen out a few minuets then
it disappeard I plowed in the agardon

Page 13 - June 21, 1838 - Drawing Rails

June the Twentieth first 1838 13

Thu 21 it is clear this morning with the exception
of a little fog the sun rose clear and quite
pleasent it clouded up and had the appear
of rain but broke away and at sun
down it was clear and quite pleasent
some distent thundring I was all draw
rails to post in the yard with no more

Fri 22 the sun rose clear and quite pleasent
it has the appearance of a fine day
the wind is calm very much soe some
time in and through the day it cloude
up and had the appearance of rain
I made and set in post an rails all day

Sat 23 at day light it commenced thundrin
very hard and about six .O. clock it
commenced raining very hard and in
a few minuets it broke away and is
clear and quite pleasent in a few
minuets it began to cloud up and had
the appearance of rain about ten .O.
clock it raind in the south a very
heavy thundring and flashes of lightni
I went to Harveys Streaches and
at night went to meeting at Mr.
Mc creays I had some notion of going

Sun 24 it was some cloudy this morning at
nine .O. clock I went back to lovepeas
a fine day the wind blows cool and
pleasent I went back to Harveys
and got my dinner and then back
to four .O. clock meeting after meeting
I came back as far as William pier
ces and nd staid all night my expalcto
tionts dident turn up as I expected
they would but never mind that

Mon 25 we had a little Sprinke of rain this
morning wind west it broke away
the sun shoen out quite warm and
I plowed in the corn for the first time

Page 12 - June 16, 1838 - No Phety Girls

12 June the Sixteenth 1838

Sat 16 it is cloudy this morning at nine .O.
clock it commenced raining lightly noe
thundring theer is a two days meeting
at the meeting hous a haff mile west of
us I made rails till ten .O. clock at four
.O. clock I went to meeting it broke
away at twelve .O. clock the sun shoen
out quite warm and set clear I had
some notion of going home with som of
the phety girls but I dident goe noe

Sun 17 it is clear this morning some diew quit
pleasent meeting continued to day
it continued to keep very pleasent
all day the hous was fool as it
could hold I went to meeting yes

Mon 18 early in the morning it came up a
dreaful hard shower terable thundri
and lightning it quit at six .O. clock
it looks broken at this time there is
a considrable of water of the ground
about two .O. clock it looked like rain
and we got a little of it at dark it looke
rain but withdrew from it thank
S. G. was hear I went to mill

Tue 19 the sun rose clear a quite aheavy diew
and some foggy it continued to keep
clear till four .O. clock and at six .O.
clock it commenced raining I put
in these post an rails around the yor

Wed 20 this morning is clear and warm fin
growing weather about two .O. clock
it comemenced clouding at heavy thu
ndring and some lightnig at four
.O. clock it commenced raining quite
in a little time it quite the sun
shoen out but has the appearance
of more rain in about an hour come
another rain quite hard I was
hoing corne in the garden to day

Page 11 - June 11, 1838 - Making Rails

June the eleventh 1838 11

Mon 11 it has the appearance of rain at eight .O.
clock it broke away the sun shoen out
quite warm till two .O. clock then it
disappeard and in a few moments it
came up a shower of rain with heavy
thundrind and lightning at four it broke
away the sun shoen out quite warm
I made rails for Jacobe Klippinger at 62

Tue 12 the sun shoen out quite warm some
few flying clouds it has the appearance
of more fine weather the sun continued
shoen out till three .O. clock it disappear
heavy thundring and lightnings at
six .O. clock the sun shoen out and in a
few moments came another shower
the sun shoen out again I made rails
for Jacob Kleppinger H R L

Wed 13 quite foggy this morning and cooler than
it has been for some time past at seven
.O. clock the sun shoen out quite warm
till six in the evening then the sun
disappeard at dark it commenced rain
with heavy thundring and lightning
flash after flash I made rails for
Jacob Kleppinger for 62 per hu

Thu 14 it was a thundring this morning and
had the appearance of more rain but
broke away the sun shoen out quite
warm till noon then it disappear
and in a few moments it commen
raining with heavy thundring and
lightning it raind severl times throe
the day I made rails till noon for J K

Fri 15 it was cloudy this morning at six .O. clock
the sun shoen out quite pleasent the groun
is very wet the corn is from four to
six inches high the sun shoen out till
nearly night I made rails for J K

Page 10 - June 5, 1838 - Purchase Journal

10 June the fifth D 1838

appearance of more rain abot five .O.
clock it clouded up the sun quit shoen out
till about half past six .O. clock the sun
shoen out clear and set clear the last
day of Mr. Munsons school quit at 5
.O. clock I was a grubing all Day twse

Wed 6 it was quite clear this morning it is some
cooler than we have had for some time
past some frost not much wind a moving
about five .O. clock the sun disappeared
got quite cloud and had the appearance
of rain I groubed all day long quite har

Thu 7 clear and quite pleasent some wind south
east about eight .O. clock came up some
few flying clouds and still continues to
till night at dark the stars shoen out some
the moon changed at eleven .O. clock 29
minuets in the evening I groubed all day

Fri 8 clear with the exception of a few flying
clouds some thundring north west tollerable
warm wind south in the evening it cloude
up and had the appearance of rain I groubed

Sat 9 it was a sprinkling alittle this morning
then it cleard up and the sun shoen out
quite pleasent at six .O. clock it clouded up
again and had the appearance of more
rain quite warm till about four .O. clock in
the eveinig I want to Lafayette I got
this Journald book and four news papers

Jun 10 at daylight it was thundring quite hard
at seven .O. clock it commenced raining
quite hard with heavy thundring and
lightning it continued to rain till about
nine .O. clock then it broke away the sun
shoen out quite warm about three .O.
clock it clouded up again and at four it
commenced raining again with heavy
thundring storms the sun shoen out again

Page 9 - June 1, 1838 - Logansport Hanging

June the first 1838

Fri 1 in the morning was quite foggy about two
hours by sun it broke away the sun
shoen out quite warm and pleasent at
eight .O. clock I started up to Logans
port to see a man hung I landed abougthe
nine .O. clock about thwelve .O. clock he
was brought out of gail dead he had
hung him self the night before he was
to be hung there I got sight of him it
was supposed there was three thoussand
people there I saw a skuaw have one of the
hansomest little one that ever was I heard
a great meny white folks say that they
would be very glad if there littles ones was
as hansom as it I saw John Smith there
I staid at a young girls hous noe more

Sat 2 it was clear and warm I went tto the
river to fish and from that I plaid
round I staid with the same girl yes
I Received a letter from Wm Lucas

Sun 3 it was quite clear and warm at ten I
.O. clock I went up to Henry Kleppin
gers to singing school there was 25
girls and the best quallity to some of
the boys got the sack I staid with
Henry Kleppinger all night soe noe

Mon 4 it was some cloudy this morning it raind
a little early in the morning but soon
broke away and the sun shoen out clear
and warm I landed home at three .O.
clock the wind raised some about four in
the evening I got badly hurt by a fall

Tue 5 the sun rose clear about six .O. clock it
clouded up and had the appearance of rain
quite warm light wind in the south the
sun shoen out dreekley and shoen out dimly
by turns some cooler than we have had
for some five or six days past the wind
blew tollerable hard it thas the

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Page 8 - May 28, 1838 - Finish Planting

8 May the 28 1838 H L Page 8

Mon 28 it was cloudy and clear by turns all day the
sun shoen out some few times till about five
.O. clock then the sun shoen out quite warm
and pleasent the wind was calm and still
it moderated some about ten .O. clock I
planted corn till four .O. clock and then I
went down to Mr. Simeses school hous to
hear Mr. Wily the Elder preach Mr.
John Smith was out hear from Ohio

Tue 29 it is clear this morning some frost the sun
rose clear and pleasent it has the
appearance of more finer weather than
we have had for some five or six
weeks past and gone I plowed all day

Wed 30 it is clear and cloudy by turns this
morning about seven .O. clock it broke
away and the sun shoen out tollerable
pleasent the wind south east about 12
.O. clock it was in the south about two it got
in the south west and came up a cloud and
had the appearance of rain I am aplowi
for oats about twelve .O. clock we finishe
planting corn at six .O. clock it came up
aheavy cloud and had the appearance of
rain it raind in the ninght quite har

Thu 31 it was some cloudy this morning about
six .O. clock it broke away the sun shoen
clear and warm at suven .O. clock I
started up to Henry Kleppingers to
see the folks it was a very fine day and
very warm we landed up there half past
four in the evning it got some cloudy in
about twelve .O. clock and rain about one
.O. clock alittle shower then it cleared up
and then the sun shoen out quite
warm and pleasent I staid at Mr.
Hineses the first night after I start
when I can raad my title clear to man
sion in the skies I will bid fare
well to evy fear and bid fare well

Page 7 - May 22, 1838 - Family Planting

May the 22 1838 Page 7

Tue 22 it is quite cool this morning it is clear the
sun shown out bright the wind in the North
it was quite cool till ten .O. clock and then
it moderated some little I am a plowing
and the rest are a planting corn it is some

Wed 23 it is some cloudy this morning it is quite cold
for the season the wind lin the North the
sun shoen out dimly at four .O. clock in
the evning it got quite smoky and in a
few moments it commenced a light fall of
rain and the sun shoen out some two or three
times dimly at dark it mist again the
wind North I plowed all day and the
rest of the famley planted corn all day

Thu 24 it is quite cold for the season it thas the
appearance of rain the wind in the Nor
about twelve .O. clock it broke away the sun
shoen out dimly till night it got some
warmmer I plowed and the rest planted

Fri 25 it is quite cold wind West it is cloudy the
sun shoen out some two or three time some
frost this morning the wind blows hard
in the North the weather turnd some wrm
about twelve .O. clock I plowed all day s

Sat 26 it was cloudy this morning about ten .O.
clock it broke away the sun shoen out quite
warm the wind changes around and blows
hard about four .O. clock it came up a quite
heavy shower of rain with some hail with
it it thundred very hard with heavy
flashes of lightning I plowed till noon
then I went to planting corn H L

Sun 27 it is cloudy this morning wind North it
blows very hard quite cold for the season
no sun shoen out to day at all about two
.O. clock it commenced raining again quit
cool raind by turns throug the afternoon
I was at meeting at the school house

Page 6 - May 16, 1838 - Planting Corn

May the 16 . 1838 Page 6

rain ahead with heavy thundring and
lightning the creeks are very high it
contiued raining some all night and was
at it in the morning the ground is very
wet at this time I have been furrowing
out ground for to plant corn so no more

Thu 17 this morning the sun shoen out dimley
six .O. clock the clouds looked broken a little
it drizzled a little about twelve .O. clock it
broke away and betwene two and three .O.
clock the sun shoen out and about four it
clouded up again and was quite cold and after
night it raind I was plowing till noon then
I planted corn for the first time ne

Fri 18 it is cloudy this morning and raind a little
about six .O. clock it broke away the sun
shoen out but it is very cool for the season
it is cold enough to snow about ten .O.
clock it turned some warmer at twelve O.
clock I am a plowing to day the ground is se

Sat 19 it is clear and very pleasent there is a little
frost this morning it has the appearance of more
fine weather I plowed all day oh dear mee

Sun 20 the sun rose clear this morning it is warm
and quite pleasent the wind west at this
time it is quite warm the wind is got roun
in the East I was about home all day
I wrote a letter to William Lucas to Day

Mon 21 it is a little cloudy this morning the wind
in the East at this time the sun rose
dimly it is quite warm at this time about
eight .O. clock it clouded up again and about
twelve .O. clock it began to rain lightly and
it continued to rain lightly till three .O. clock
then it broke away and the sun shoen out
dimly till seven .O. clock then it shoen out
clear I plowed and the rest planted I
am quite trimbley in my hands now sse

Page 5 - May 10, 1838 - Hard Plowing

May the tenth 1838 Page 5

Thu 10 the sun rose clear quite cool about ten
.O. clock it got some pleasenter than it
has been for some eight or ten days past
with the exception of a few flying clouds
passing over us at this time it contineud
to be warmer I plowed all day long 1838

Fri 11 there was a heavy frost this morning
it awas quite cold in the night it froze
very hard the sun has all appearance of
a fine day the sun rose clear and warm
the wind South West at this time
I fowled plowing all day hard times

Sat 12 it is clear this morning has evry appear
ance of a fine day there is a little frost this
morning the wind is quite still and calm
at this time I follwed plowing till 12.O.

Sun 13 it has evry appearance of more rain at this
time at ten .O. clock it broke away the sun
shoen out quite warm and pleasent the
wind East this morning laid around

Mon 14 it is some cloudy this morning and has the
appearance of rain the sun shoen out quite
and pleasant I plowed to day noe more

Tue 15 this morning was some cloudy but it
broke away again and is clear and is
tollerable warm and pleasent I harried in
flax till about ten .O. clock then I furrowed
out for corn hard times for monney now

Wed 16 it is cloudy this morning about eight in
the morning it came up a heavy shower of
rain and in a little time it broke away
and the sun shoen out quite warm about
ttwelve .O. clock it clouded up again and
about three .O. clock there was a very
heavy rain some eight or ten miles north
and about four it commenced raining
very hard hear and still continues to

Page 4 - May 4, 1838 - Squire Roberds

May the fourth 1838 Page 4

Fri 4 it haint so cold as it has been it has evry
appearance of more rain there is a big cloud
hanging over us at preasant there was som
few rainy showers to day it is very cool
the sun shoen out some two or three time
it raind in the night quite hard an

Sat 5 it is cold enough to snow this morning
wind West it raind severl times in
and through the day at night it broke
away the moon shoen out quite bright
I went to John Graves and Soloman bests
trial tride before squire Roberds 1838

Sun 6 it is a raining this morning again it broke
awa about half past seven .O. clock the sun
shoen out very pleasant wind West at
this time it clouded up at night and had
the appearance of more rain the six
I went to meeting to hear Mr giffette

Mon 7 it has the appearance of more rain the wind
West the sun shoen out about nine .O.clock
in the morning it clouded up again and got
quite windy and cold at three .O. clock it
commenced snowing quite hard it got some
some warmer in the evning I plowed

Tue 8 it has the appearance of a pleasant day
the wind dont blow soe hard as usul the
weather perhaps will moderate it was clear
and cool all day and in the evning it got
some pleasenter than it was for severl days
past I likewise followed plowing all day 1838

Wed 9 it is clear and very pleasant at this time
the sun shoen out quite warm the wind is
calm this morning there was a heavy frost this
morning it got very cold in the evning
it was cold enough to snow but dident
I Plowed all day hard enough amens
When I can read my title clear to mansion
in the skyes I will Bid farewell to

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Page 3 - April 25, 1838 - Expedient Journal

April the. 25. 1838 Page 3

Wed 25 it has once more cleard of again the wind
in the west this morning it clouded up and
wind in the night quite cold for the time

Thu 26 it is a rainning this mornning and still contines
to blow and storm the wind blows hard at
night it broke away and was clear wind West

Fri 27 it was partly clear this morning about seven
.O.clock it clouded up again and at nine .O.
clock it commenced raining again and very heavy
thundring and windy storms about ten .O.
clock it broke away and got clear and the
wind bload very hard it is tollerable warm

Sat 28 this norning is very and pleasant the
wind blowes from the West at this

Sun 29 it is tollerable windy this morning it is
clear I think it expedient to keep a
Journall of the changes of the weather

Mon 30 it is clear and pleasant this morning
the wind in the South at this time

May the first 1838

Tue 1 this morning is quite cold and windy
it is cloudy and has the appearance of
more rain it commenced raining about
eight .O.clock and it broke away about
half past eleven .O.clock Wind South.

Wed 2 its a raining this morning again it is
fogy its tollerable warm at this tim
it has every appearance of raining a hedd
it broke away about four .O. clock in
the evening the sun shoen out clear and
warm tollerable pleasant about five .O.
clock it clouded up again and had the
appearance of rain but dident rain

Thu 3 this morning has the appearance of rain
it is windy the wind north west
tollerable cool all day sun 1838 2

Page 2 - More Doodles, Other Hands

44 + 14 + 53 = 1.11
16 x 2 = 32 + 28 = 60 x 8 = 480
28 + 28
12 x 5 = 60 + 7 = 67 - 4 = 63
17 + XX

I paid John Shigley
$25 00 and on the day
of the october Election
16 60 Making in all $42,10
J W Ieland

postoffice rjch Ieland
Janes vill Brimen County Iowa
I Alexander Sony

Even green Postoffice
Dibjke County Ioway
Yo Nonnon Janes

28 - 4 = 24

Prassers postoffice enecott
Sim Co Iowa

12 by 16
10 by 12
14 by 14

Page 1 - 1839 - Harmon Lucas, Tippicanoe

Harmon Lucas his book

this being on the 9 of November
1839 in the Stait of Indiana and
in Tippicanoe Township Tippicanoe
County in my 21 year from the
12 of July 1839 I have got a
reasonable portion of health at this
time and am very thankful of
itin glory be to the highest amen
for ever When I have been there
ten thousand thousand year 1839

The price of this Book is one
dollars and Twenty five cts bought
at Mr. MC Cormicks Store
in the town of Laffayette in the
year of our Lord- 1838 Harmon

Harmon R Lucas

William Henry Harrison
65 x 5 = 325 + 25 = 350
Harmon R Lucas
Harmon R Lucas Harmon
Wm Birch 19 1/2 . . . 58 1/2

I got 2 hogs and is to make 150 rails
I all so got one on the 50 cts that be owd
me 1844 Wm Burch Jun
Harmon R Lucas

10000 - 1805 = 8195 - 5400 = 2795 + 27 + 14 = 2836
27 + 14 = 41
8 x 22 = 160 +
3965 - 2836 = 1129 - 41 = 1088

Journal of Harmon Lucas - Cover

The Journal of Harmon Lucas

The journal of Harmon Lucas measures some 170 millimeters wide by 395 millimeters in length and 17 millimeters thick. The pages are divided by vertical lines at intervals of, counting from the left, 29, 129 and 146 millimeters. There is a margin of 19 millimeters at the top of each page, followed by horizontal lines at regular intervals of 9 millimeters to the bottom of the page, for a total of 44 lines. The folios are folded in half to form quires of twenty pages and sewn together with cord. It is covered, front and back, in thick cardboard. There are 105 leaves surviving, in part or whole, for a total of 210 pages.

I first saw Harmon's journal in the weeks after my grandmother, Zula Lucas Harris, died in 1966. I can only guess how she came into possession of the book. I can safely assume she got it from her father, William Lucas. Before that all is conjecture. Zula died at the age of seventy and was born in Kokomo, Indiana. Zula had one older brother, Chester, and their mother was Rebecca Ridgeway Lucas, who came to Indiana from Tennessee. So they came from the right part of the country, but William could not have been a descendant of Harmon. Harmon had only two girl children, Mary and Jane, neither of whom carried on the Lucas name to any more children. Harmon was born on July 12, 1819, in Ohio, he died on February 26, 1846, in Tippicanoe County, and his widow, Maria, died in Jones County, Iowa 48 years later to the day. Harmon's parents were Benjamin Lucas and Mary Rogers, and he had several siblings. My best guess would be that the book came through Harmon's brother, Curtis, who in turn may have been William's father. I have not investigated my family history all that well. Anyone who wants to do the research for me is welcome. I know that the family, William, Rebecca, Chester, and Zula Lucas, moved to Riverside in Southern California around 1900, and were joined by some cousins who became railroad men and firefighters in Bakersfield, California. Many members of the Lucas family still reside near Lafayette, Indiana. Other descendents have dispersed around the globe, and I have brought Harmon's book from Southern California, through Nevada, to Oregon.

Harmon did not seem very concerned about spelling, punctuation was almost unknown, and he used capitals erratically. He often employed shorthand grammar, and he ended sentences abruptly at the edge of the paper. At the time that he bought and wrote in the book, he seems to have been motivated first by an effort to record the weather. Other observations crept in with time. Then he turned to recording his financial transactions, and working up ideas about the Methodist church. Later still the book became a child's playtoy and scratch pad, with scribbles and ripped pages. Some pages have been torn out entirely! Harmon probably had no idea he was leaving a record for posterity. Given that this is not a photo reproduction, I have still tried to preserve the general format and his idiosyncratic spelling.

The inside of the front cover has been used at various times, by various hands, in ink and pencil, to practice penmanship, to calculate sums, and to take notes. For the sake of completeness, the doodlings recorded there, from top to bottom, and left to right, somewhat resemble the following:


900 + 900 + 500 + 500 + 700 + 500 = 4000 + 250 + 400 = 5050
300 + 2.800

John Graves wood act 15
Marshfield Postoffice by Thomas Green

125 + 60 = 185

Franklin Poseland
Franklin Joselanel

Mary Mary